Installing & Running the Software

Install from Binaries

If you happen to have access to a binary install (e.g. ROS), follow their instructions and then proceed directly to Checking the Version Info, otherwise follow the instructions below to build Kobuki and it’s dependencies from source.

Build from Source


The environment under which these instructions have been tested (and thus supported) is as follows.

  • Platform: Linux (most flavours)
  • C++ Version: c++14
  • Compiler: gcc
  • Build Dependencies: ament, colcon, vcstool, CMake
  • Code Dependencies: Eigen, Sophus, ECL

Other platforms may work, but your mileage will vary. Windows has been supported in the past, so if you’re willing to do a bit of work, you might find success.


Ensure your system has the following packages installed:

  • GCC (>=9)
  • CMake (>=3.5)
  • wget
  • python3-venv

Download a few scripts that will help setup your workspace.

$ mkdir kobuki && cd kobuki

# a virtual environment launcher that will fetch build tools from pypi (colcon, vcstools)
$ wget || exit 1

# custom build configuration options for eigen, sophus
$ wget || exit 1

# list of repositories to git clone
$ wget || exit 1

Fetch the sources:

$ source ./venv.bash

$ mkdir src

# vcs handles distributed fetching of repositories listed in a .repos file
$ vcs import ./src < kobuki_standalone.repos || exit 1

$ deactivate


If you prefer to use your system Eigen:

$ touch src/eigen/AMENT_IGNORE


$ source ./venv.bash

# build everything
$ colcon build --merge-install --cmake-args -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF

# disable any unused cmake variable warnings (e.g. sophus doesn't use BUILD_TESTING)
$ colcon build --merge-install --cmake-args -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF --no-warn-unused-cli

# build a single package
$ colcon build --merge-install --packages-select kobuki_core --cmake-args -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF

# build everything, verbosely
$ VERBOSE=1 colcon build --merge-install --event-handlers console_direct+ --cmake-args -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF

# build release with debug symbols
$ colcon build --merge-install --cmake-args -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo

# update the source workspace
$ vcs pull ./src

$ deactivate

The resulting headers, libraries and resources can be found under ./install.

These instructions are continuously vetted with a github action (yaml, results/logs).

Connect Kobuki

Kobuki’s default means of communication is over usb (it can instead use the serial comm port directly, more on that later). On most linux systems, your Kobuki will appear on /dev/ttyUSBO as soon as you connect the cable. This is a typical serial2usb device port and if you happen to be using more than one such device, Kobuki may appear at ttyUSB1, ttyUSB1, …

In order to provide a constant identifier for the connection, we’ve prepared a udev rule for you:

$ wget
$ sudo cp 60-kobuki.rules /etc/udev/rules.d

# different linux distros may use a different service manager (this is Ubuntu's)
#   --> failing all else, a reboot will work
$ sudo service udev reload
$ sudo service udev restart

With this udev rule, you’ll find your Kobuki appear at /dev/kobuki as soon as you connect and turn on the robot. This also comes with the added convenience that it is the default device port value for most Kobuki programs.

  • Connect the usb cable
  • Turn Kobuki on (you’ll hear a chirp)
  • Check for existence of /dev/kobuki
  • I’m wearing a colander, you should too

Checking the Version Info

# drop into the runtime enviroment
$ source ./install/setup.bash

# who is your kobuki?
$ kobuki-version-info
Version Info:
  Hardware Version: 1.0.4
  Firmware Version: 1.2.0
  Software Version: 1.1.0
  Unique Device ID: 97713968-842422349-1361404194

Your driver may give you a warning (software or firmware upgrade advised) or error (incompatible firmware/software) about mismatching versions. If it’s the firmware you need to upgrade, refer to the section on Firmware.

Take Kobuki for a Test Drive

# drop into the runtime enviroment
$ source ./install/setup.bash

# take kobuki for a test drive
$ kobuki-simple-keyop
Simple Keyop : Utility for driving kobuki by keyboard.
KobukiManager : using linear  vel step [0.05].
KobukiManager : using linear  vel max  [1].
KobukiManager : using angular vel step [0.33].
KobukiManager : using angular vel max  [6.6].
Reading from keyboard
Forward/back arrows : linear velocity incr/decr.
Right/left arrows : angular velocity incr/decr.
Spacebar : reset linear/angular velocities.
q : quit.
current pose: [0, 0, 0]
current pose: [0, 0, 0]
current pose: [0, 0, 0]
current pose: [0.0064822, -1.17028e-06, -0.00074167]
current pose: [0.0226873, -9.88246e-05, -0.0133501]